State Party Representation

State Delegates


This role is the primary link between precinct members and the candidates for Federal public office. It is important that County Delegates take precinct member’s concerns into account when choosing the best candidate for their precinct at State Conventions. The delegate is the precinct’s only representation at convention.



  • Review and vet candidates for the public offices listed below. Candidates should promote the State Party’s platform principles as well as address any concerns the members of your precinct have.
    • Annual time commitment required. This will include attending multiple meet the candidate events and meeting with the members of your precinct to get a list of concerns to bring up to the candidates.
    • This role vets and votes on:
      • President of the United States
      • US Senate
      • US House of Representatives
      • State Governor & Lt. Governor
      • State Attorney General
      • State Auditor
      • State Treasurer
      • State School Board
      • State Party Chair
      • State Party Vice Chair
      • State Party Secretary
      • State Party Treasurer
      • National Committeeman & National Committeewoman
      • Utah Delegates to the National Republican Convention
      • Utah Electors for the Electoral College
    • Attend and vote at all state party conventions. This includes reviewing and voting on amendments to the state party constitution, bylaws, and platform.
      • Annual time commitment required.

State Central Committee


The State Central Committee or SCC is the State Party’s governing body. The SCC consists of members from every county in Utah. The number of members from each county is determined by the number of Republican voters that cast a vote in the previous general election. The DCRP Chair and Vice Chair are ex-officio members of the SCC. Each odd numbered year, the DCRP holds an Organizing Convention where the SCC members are elected by Davis County Delegates. The SCC Member term lasts for two years. If an elected member is unable to complete their full term, the next runner-up on the list will replace them.