Executive Committee Attendance

Executive Committee Attendance

The below table shows the attendance of EC meetings over time.

P = Present

E = Excused

A = Absent

NameRoleDistrict05/16/23 Meeting08/15/23 Meeting09/05/23 Meeting11/16/23 Meeting01/04/24 Meeting02/13/24 Meeting
Arunsi, YemiDCRP Chair-PPPPP
Fletcher, ScottDCRP Vice Chair-PPPPP
DCRP Secretary-PPPPP
Boling, JustinDCRP Treasurer-PPPEP
Barfuss, BritshanaVC16PPPPP
Bitner, LilianC17PAAAA
Bowman, DanC16PEAPP
Brown, AliciaVC8PPPPP
Chamberlain, DrewVC7EPPPP
Chamberlain, EricVC17APAAP
Clay, TomC4PPPPP
Farrer, ErinVC20PAAPP
Fershtut, SteveC7AAAAA
Fesler, RobertVC13PPAPP
Fifield, LisaC19PPPPP
Findling, TerryC20PPPPP
Flint, AaronVC6PAAAResigned
Hagen, TobinC11PPPPP
Hansen, BryceC8PPAAP
Kirchmeier, AnnaVC18PPAAA
Lee, SusanC6PPPPP
McFarland, KevinVC4APAAResigned
Paul, SherryC18PPPAP
Plastow, TysonC15PPPEP
Roberts, MichelleVC11AAAAA
Savage, JenVC15PPAAP
Shurtliff, ShaneC13PPPPP
Smith, MargaretVC14PAPPA
Thompson, KareceC5PAAAResigned
Tobler, TawraC12PPPPP
Wood, CollinVC12PResigned
Young, BruceC14PPPPP
Borocio, JesseC&B Chair-APPAA
Watts, HelenC&B Vice Chair-APAAA
Likert, WendyTechnology Chair------